Sunday, June 13, 2010

denise at night (5.28.07)

hello, and welcome to another late night chat. i was just reading my last blog and realized that i never put any photos of my car accident online. i will try and do that later today. you can't really see a whole lot of damage, though you can see the car and where it slammed into my car. the accident caused $4200 worth of damage to my car! the two doors have to be replaced, the post between the doors have to be replaced, and various other non-essential pieces have to be replaced. they're using both used and new parts, which pisses me off because even though my car is not brand new, it had all its original parts!!! it had never been in an accident, until now, poor thing.

other than that, life is getting more and more hectic. tonight i finished a paper and a half of the 10 that i have to do this week. tomorrow before i head over to josh's for our memorial day celebration, i am going to finish the other half of the second paper i started tonight. it's an interesting piece on liberalism vs. paternalism. maybe i'll post it for you someday.

only two more weeks til graduation!!!!

ummmmm, yeah, so that's life. how are you doing? i rarely ask this question on my late night chat sessions, but it's one that i wonder about. i'm sure you're thinking that i can't possibly wonder how everyone is doing. but, on the contrary, i do wonder how each and every one of you are doing. you're my friends, and most you i don't see at all or often enough. so, please, send me a little note to tell me how you're doing!

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