Monday, June 14, 2010

worry (10.27.07)

Worry. Sometimes it just creeps up on you when you're not even expecting it. Here I was, all excited and feeling accomplished because I finished my initial research for my upcoming paper, and now all I can do is worry. I'm not worried about the paper, per se. Instead, I'm worried about how on earth I'm going to accomplish the tasks that have been set before me in the next 10 days. You see, I start a new class today (Monday). The new class requires at least two assignments per week to be accomplished, if not more. The first week I think I have three assignments due. The following week there is either two or three; I'm not sure. The class that I'm almost finished with - three weeks to go - has two papers, two responses, and a quiz due this week. The following week is when the research paper is due.

Here's the problem: I'm going to a Ladies Retreat with my mom November 1-3. I have an assignment due for my new class on November 1 and two assignments due on November 4, including my research paper! As a procrastinator, this poses serious problems because usually I would wait until November 3 to write the research paper. Probably even do some on the 4th since it's not due until midnight. Unfortunately, with all the other assignments that I have to do, that's not possible. As well as the fact that I'm going to be at a retreat! Unfortunately, some of my so-called "down-time" at the retreat is probably going to be used for writing my research paper. Unless, God help me, I can become disciplined enough to sit down this week and write a little bit every night in order to have my research paper done before going to the retreat. Anyone out there think that's possible???

On a side note, but not really a side's the entire purpose for me ranting and raving about this issue I'm having with worry. As I lay in bed tonight worrying about my research paper and prioritizing my time during the next two weeks, I realized that I had momentarily forgotten an important lesson I learned this week. The act of worrying is both illogical and unnecessary. Why? Because worrying does nothing except breed stress and more worrisome thoughts. You know what I mean? The more you worry about something, the more likely you are to become stressed out about the situation and then your thoughts begin to spiral until you're worrying about everything! Not only that, but it's illogical and unnecessary to worry because we have the reassurance that if God is concerned about the little sparrows and the fields of the earth, how much more concerned is He with us, His children? So, we don't need to worry about anything because He's going to give us the strength, courage, discipline, or whatever it is that we're lacking to make it through the situation we are worrying about.

Anyway, just thought I'd share those thoughts with you. And ask you to pray with me that the Lord would give me the ability to be especially disciplined this week in order to get my tasks done early. I don't want to be bogged down my homework during the Ladies Retreat. I want to enjoy the time with my mom, as well as some of the other ladies that I know are going to be there. You know this will be difficult for me - a procrastinator at heart - but I know that it's possible with God's help!

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